Vermillion Falls
Vermillion Falls is located approximately 30 miles northeast of Orr. The Falls consists of the Vermillion River running through narrow channels of granite and contains rapids, 3 waterfalls and beautiful scenery. Access is easy and restrooms are on site. The trail from the parking lot to the Falls is approximately 400 feet and is extremely well maintained and wide. Just about like walking on a sidewalk! There are overlooks constructed at the Falls for viewing.
From Orr take CR-23 AKA, Orr-Buyck Road, & CR-24 toward Crane Lake for 25.9 miles to NF-491. The turnoff is on the left and is marked with a sign that says “Vermillion Falls.” Take NF-491 5.3 miles west to the bridge that crosses the Vermillion River. Cross over the bridge and go .3 miles past the bridge. Look for the sign that says “Vermillion Falls.” Turn left here and go .3 miles more to the parking lot. Restrooms are available in the parking lot. The trail leaves from the rest room area and is about 400 feet down an extremely well maintained trail, more like a sidewalk.
While at the Falls you are .6 miles from the spectacular Vermillion Gorge! Go back out to NF-491 east (toward the bridge you crossed earlier) for .3 miles. This will bring you to a parking area just before you cross the bridge on the right hand side of the road (south side). Park here, the trail to the Gorge is directly across the road on the north side and is marked with a sign that says “portage.” The Gorge is a 5-minute walk down the trail.